That’s how it looks, and that’s because of this limited space that I didn’t initially want to remove the engine
On the left side, the transmission grease is everywhere, I obviously made a mistake somewhere with the transmission boot
My father had two taps modified (flat end) and has special extraction parts made, here on the upper right, to screw them inside the handles
I had to cut the cover to make space for drilling and taping. Once done, I screw in, both handles bend but the cover doesn’t seem to move
So I have to create more extraction points. I start from the bottom part, which I think is the most stuck portion
5 extraction points are still not enough, I even broke the tap I did on the top, because I didn’t make it very well
I then go on with the removal of the water pump turbine, with the original extractor that I could borough. Thank you Claude
It is of course very good for this special job (because the extraction points are not at a regular angle)
I’m surprised to find a “thin” oil pump axle, I was expecting the reinforced one, I’ll replace it but for the moment I cannot remove it (one new part difficult to remove 😉