21 March 2006 | Body work, Body work, Body work, Body work, Body work, Body work, SM, SM, SM, SM, SM
An important step is done, the body arrives in Montreal. It’s now in my garage. This restoration is supposed to be now in the reassembling phase. I say “supposed” because I still have a lot of work to do on parts to reassemble. sm_221Here is the...
9 February 2006 | Uncategorized
The body is waiting for a container. It’s brought to a shipping company in Marseille. Again a few waiting days, the container should be in Montreal on March 1st. sm_217Here she is, in Marseille, delivered by my brother. Thanks Laurent! sm_218Huge protection work...
6 January 2006 | Uncategorized
When the body shop completes its work, the body is brought back to my father’s home. It will stay here to wait for its shipping over the Atlantic ocean. Front and rear half axles still have to be back to obtain a rolling body. My father works on these half axles...
22 August 2005 | Uncategorized
During August 2005, I’m in France for vacation, so I can go to the body shop, the body is almost finished: sm_173First sight to the beast 😉 sm_174The interior and the front unit are gray sm_175The exterior panels will stay on primer until the final paint...
9 May 2005 | Uncategorized
I first thought that I will not have any pictures of the body work, but yes, I got some! Here are the first ones: sm_157We start with an overview: the usual trunk bottom is in bad shape sm_158Then it’s the bottom of each rear fenders, in very bad shape also...