25 November 2007 | Mechanical, Mechanical, Mechanical, SM IE, SM IE, SM IE
During September 2007, my mechanic can finally work on the car. The goal is to adjust the valves, replace the secondary timing chains and track and fix the annoying suspension noise I have for a long time now. It will be a good occasion to do an interesting...
10 November 2007 | Mechanical, SM
At the end of 2007, I decide to close every possible circuit and put oil everywhere to keep the engine in good condition, because I’m far to be ready to put it back in the car 😉 sm_284I start by opening the cylinder head covers, this is a bit dry there sm_285I...
20 August 2007 | Uncategorized
By the summer of 2007, I frequently use the car, I drove about 2500 km from May to August, but I still have a very bad noise coming from the front of the car. I think about 3 possible causes: the anti-roll bar, a drive shaft of a ball pin. I begin by greasing...
17 June 2007 | Miscellaneous, SM IE
By June 2007, the SM in not mechanically perfect but she’s working pretty well, so I can enjoy this car and take part to some meetings, from my local club and others. By June 16th, I take part to to the 2007 Citroën Rendezvous in Saratoga Springs, in the New...
26 May 2007 | Uncategorized
The engine is noisy and this noise is, I think, coming from the secondary timing chains. The professional mechanics who could fix this problem are not available, so I decide to check myself the timing chains tension. I can easily do it myself, and that way I will know...