18 October 2005 | Uncategorized
After having done most of the cleaning work on the gearbox, I go ahead by reassembling brake discs and calipers. sm_189To put back the brake discs (new), I borrowed a comparator to measure the rotation defect… sm_190… it’s ok, the rotation defect is...
4 October 2005 | Mechanical, Mechanical, SM, SM, SM, SM
By September 2005, I start working on the hydraulic devices. I start with the clutch cylinder and the front brake calipers: sm_203The clutch cylinder is not difficult to disassemble… sm_204… but removing the inner gasket is a nightmare, I had to use...
22 August 2005 | Body work
During August 2005, I’m in France for vacation, so I can go to the body shop, the body is almost finished: sm_173First sight to the beast 😉 sm_174The interior and the front unit are gray sm_175The exterior panels will stay on primer until the final paint...
13 July 2005 | Mechanical
While waiting to go ahead with the engine, I switch to the gearbox: first cleaning with gasoline, first pass with a gross metallic brush, second pass with a softer brush and then finishing with a towel full of degreaser. I found a degreasing product with an orange...
9 May 2005 | Body work, SM
I first thought that I will not have any pictures of the body work, but yes, I got some! Here are the first ones: sm_157We start with an overview: the usual trunk bottom is in bad shape sm_158Then it’s the bottom of each rear fenders, in very bad shape also...